What is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

Virtual PT NYC

For those in the United States of America, most are unaware of what exactly pelvic floor physical therapy is. For those Americans that do know what it is, it’s likely because they had or have a condition called pelvic floor dysfunction. It would not be an exaggeration to say that physical therapy can be life-changing to the people suffering from the condition. So if someone is looking for pelvic pain physical therapy in NYC, contact Virtual PT NYC for treatment. But before you do that, we’ll explain what pelvic floor dysfunction is and the pelvic floor physical therapy that can treat it.

Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction is simply the loss of control of the muscles in the pelvic floor. This loss brings up issues including but isn’t limited to:

  • Losing control of the bladder
  • Peeing being painful
  • Losing control of the bowels
  • The lower back being in pain

Causes of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Some common causes are linked to people getting pelvic floor dysfunction, such as:

  • Giving birth
  • Obesity
  • Damage of the nerves

While these and other symptoms are common in those experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction, it’s important to get a professional to give you a diagnosis before you start to take action. It might seem like a condition that affects women exclusively, but men can suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction as well. 

What is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

While surgery and medication are two ways to treat the dysfunction, there is another way to treat it through pelvic floor physical therapy. The pelvic floor physical therapists can have several methods for the therapy, including:

  • Teaching- The patient can learn how their lifestyle is affecting the dysfunction and how to change it.
  • Exercises- The therapist teaches the patient how to use their pelvic floor muscles, both for action and relaxing them
  • Biofeedback- It shows the patient how their pelvic floor muscles are working. 

In a normal time, the above would be appealing to most people. But in the middle of a pandemic, more than a few people would rather deal with the dysfunction for longer than necessary rather than risk getting infected. But there is a company that does provide pelvic pain physical therapy in NYC that is exclusively virtual and just as effective as in-person physical therapists, Virtual PT NYC. 

Pelvic Pain Physical Therapy in NYC

If you need pelvic pain physical therapy in NYC, help can be found at Virtual PT NYC to have all your needs met. With only the best physical therapists around, we can help you overcome your issues and develop sessions to make your healing process as smooth as possible. As COVID-19 continues to run rampant, some people are scared of going out of fear of getting infected and are especially reluctant to have another person touch them, even if it’s for physical therapy. But not to worry, our services are only provided virtually to our patients with all our sessions being designed for that specific format. 

Contact Virtual PT NYC Today!

In the cases that physical touch is required for your therapy, we are more than capable of teaching your family members or anyone else living with you simple things they can do with their hands to help. So if you or anyone you know are experiencing this dysfunction and want it to be dealt with virtually by professionals who are trained to do physical therapy virtually, Virtual PT NYC can help you. Regardless of what symptoms of the dysfunction, we will help you and give you the treatment you need to get back your life. Feel free to contact us for Pelvic Pain Physical Therapy in NYC today by clicking this link

Virtual PT NYC

If you need pelvic pain physical therapy in NYC, help can be found at Virtual PT NYC to have all your needs met.