Physical Therapy Treatment for Running Injuries

Virtual PT NYC

It's no secret that running is one of the best exercises you can do to improve your fitness and keep in shape. While this can be a great exercise, many runners experience injuries at some point. If you want to prevent running injuries or manage your current one, you may benefit from physical therapy. Our team at Virtual PT NYC wants to help stack the odds in your favor so that you can continue to exercise and minimize your chances of getting hurt. 

What Are Running Injuries?

Running can be a high-impact activity that brings on aches and soreness. The repetitive nature of this exercise can really take a toll on your joints and tissues. Some of the most prevalent running injuries that can affect you include:

  • Achilles Tendonitis.
  • Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Syndrome).
  • IT Band Syndrome.
  • Plantar Fasciitis.
  • Shin Splints. 
  • Hamstring Injuries.
  • Ankle Sprain.

Unfortunately, running injuries are very common and can keep you off your feet longer than you would like. Even if you’re an avid jogger or marathon runner, you may unknowingly put yourself at risk for injury. If these injuries arise, being informed about the risks will help you manage this injury better. Here are some factors that may potentially increase your risk of running injuries:

  • Inadequate Recovery Time - Running is a high-stress activity that requires rest so that your body can fully recover. If you are not resting adequately after training, this can lead to tissue damage.
  • Running Style - Your gait and running form have an impact on your efficiency and can also lead to injury. Our team can help you work on your form to make sure you are not hurting yourself. Do not try and change your form drastically on your own. 
  • Overloading - Running is a high-impact exercise that can put a lot of stress on your body. Avoid running on uneven surfaces, and try to run on softer surfaces to lower your risk of injury. Running at an excessive pace can also hurt you in the long run. 
  • Improper Footwear - You should be wearing shoes that are meant for your training and support your feet. If your shoe shows signs of excessive wear or the shoe has broken down, we recommend changing them. 

Physical Therapy Treatment

One of the best things you can do to help prevent severe running injuries is to listen to your body. You shouldn’t try to push through the pain to get your workout in. If you are experiencing pain after running and suspect you may be injured, it may be a good time to make an appointment for physical therapy. Physical therapy utilizes both stretching and strengthening exercises to improve mobility, flexibility, and strength in your body. Our team believes in a personalized approach to care. During your first appointment, your physical therapist will assess your condition and its severity. Then, we will create a treatment program that offers the most benefits to your body and its unique needs. 

Our team understands how devastating it can be to get sidelined because of an injury. We want to help you get back to running safely. Physical therapy can help you manage your running injury and get you back on the trail. Some of the benefits you can experience through physical therapy treatment may include the following:

  • Prevention of future injuries. 
  • Regained strength and flexibility. 
  • Reduced swelling and inflammation. 
  • Better running technique. 
  • Pain management without surgical intervention. 

Contact Us

If you are looking to improve your performance and avoid future injury, our team at Virtual PT NYC can help! We will assess your condition and develop a treatment plan that best suits your needs and running injury. We make sure our virtual sessions are dynamic and effective so that you can achieve a favorable outcome. Contact us today to schedule your session! 

Virtual PT NYC

If you are looking to improve your performance and avoid future injury, our team at Virtual PT NYC can help!