Physical Therapy During Postpartum Recovery

Virtual PT NYC

There is nothing like giving birth to a child. But as most who have gone through pregnancy would admit, giving birth comes with many issues for the mother. The most noticeable would be the many physical issues that come with it. Many of these problems are overwhelming individually, but it’s not uncommon for them to go in groups. But there is a way to get some of these physical issues under control and make the mother’s life much more straightforward: physical therapy. We here at Virtual PT NYC can provide you the best postpartum recovery in NYC, so your healing process is as pleasant as possible.

Physical Postpartum Issues

With the birth of a child comes many potential physical consequences on the mother’s body, with 69% of women in one study reporting at the very least one physical problem occurring since giving birth to their child. These issues can include:

  • Bleeding- A common postpartum issue usually starts to slow down as time goes by to the point it stops during a 2 to 6 week period, with each day having a lighter flow with possible increase after breastfeeding or an increase in physical activity. If the bleeding doesn’t slow down over the course of 3 to 4 days, the mother should seek out a doctor for treatment.

  • Infection- Though it’s common for women to require stitching after giving birth and to experience discomfort as a result, an infection can be a consequence. Signs include but aren’t limited to: growing pain, fever, redness, and more. The longer it takes to get treatment for the infection, the harder it will be to treat it, so a doctor should be seen if one suspects they have an infection as soon as possible.

  • Breast Pain- Usually about 3 to 5 days after giving birth, the mother starts lactating. Regardless if they choose to breastfeed or not, there comes the risk of a breast infection called mastitis. It can cause the breasts to redden, fever, and symptoms similar to the flu.  If a mother suspects she has mastitis, she should go to her doctor as soon as possible to have it treated.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

 One issue that at 1 in 4 of women who give birth will be suffering from is called pelvic floor dysfunction. The symptoms include but aren’t limited to:

  • Losing control of the bowel
  • Losing control of the bladder
  • Pain of the genitals
  • Pelvic Pain Prolapse
  • Sex being painful
  • Pain of the lower back

There is, however, a way to minimize those symptoms via physical therapy, specifically through pelvic floor physical therapy. By going through it early, patients are more likely to have a smoother recovery period with benefits in the short term including being more likely to maintain control of their bowels and bladder than those who don’t get physical therapy. Long term benefits include being less likely to require surgery for the disorder later in life. Should the mother end up requiring surgery to settle her issues, it’s likely that it will require more than one procedure.

Postpartum Recovery in NYC

It can be hard to find the right place to get your physical therapy and even harder to get there safely while COVID is going on. That’s where Virtual PT NYC comes in to help you. In the safety of your own home, we can provide you the best postpartum recovery in NYC. So travel isn’t a concern for anyone, we only provide our services virtually, so you don’t have to risk your health by traveling to a far off location. Even through the web, only the best service will be given to you. With only the greatest physical therapists that can be found, we will guide you through your recovery process. 

Contact Virtual PT NYC Today!

Should physical touch be needed for any part of your therapy, we have a solution for that. We can teach your family members easy things they can do with their hands so they are able to assist you with your journey. When you have a session with Virtual PT NYC, you will have the physical therapist’s complete attention and they make the necessary steps to accommodate you and any of your problems. Some of you might be worried that you’ll need a prescription in order for your insurance company to cover this, but don’t worry. Most insurance providers will cover this regardless of a prescription. So if you are in need of postpartum recovery in NYC, look no further than Virtual PT NYC. You can contact us today.

Virtual PT NYC

If you are in need of postpartum recovery in NYC, look no further than Virtual PT NYC. Contact us today to learn more.