How Can Physical Therapy Make Me a Stronger Runner?

Virtual PT NYC

How Can Physical Therapy Make Me a Stronger Runner?

You might be thinking that physical therapy is only for an injury or post-op, but the reality is that telehealth services NYC can improve a runner’s capabilities before an injury occurs. Checking for warning signs of injury or wear & tear on your limbs can help you understand when you need assistance before it is too late. Here is what Virtual PT NYC wants you to know about running.


When it comes to running, athletes like yourself are often taught to push through the pain  to make your body stronger. However, there are some warning signs of more severe issues to be aware of and it is time to seek help.

  • Hours after running, the pain doesn’t stop
  • If you have pain higher than 3 on a 1-10 scale while running
  • Sharp pains
  • Woken up by pain
  • A pain that persists but feels worse when running
  • When running, pain occurs in the same area each time


Though many runners enjoy music or zoning out when training, it can be important to listen to your body. Horses can be diagnosed for racing injuries in the same way; when you run, here are some questions to consider about what you hear.

  • Does one side’s step sound heavier than the other?
  • Where does the sound occur? Behind you, under you, or the beginning of your step?
  • Are your steps getting too heavy as you continue to run?
  • Are you feeling pain when you hear an uneven footing? Where?


Your physical therapist in telehealth services NYC will also want to inform you of the importance of breathing properly when running. Breathing too fast or too slow can cause severe adverse reactions, and will be critical to maintaining your health on the track.

  1. Nervous System and Anxiety: Both of these aspects of your health will be impacted by how much or little you breathe. Breathing too slowly will cause your body to relax but can slow you down while breathing too quickly can heighten anxiety and/or trigger the fight or flight response.
  2. Blood pH: The acidity of your blood will also impact your performance. Your blood will become more acidic the slower you breathe while breathing too quickly will make your blood more alkaline; neither extreme is good for your body.
  3. Posture: Breathing too slowly can affect your posture by making your head more forward and flexing your spine which can cause a lot of pain. Breathing too quickly will hyperextend your lower back and cause a more rounded shoulder.

Dynamic Warm-Up

Dynamic warm-up consists of shorter movements and stretches to do before going on a run. You don’t want to do regular stretches before running because the best time for that is after exercise. Here are some dynamic stretches that your telehealth services NYC physical therapist may suggest:

  • Ankle Pull
  • Butt Kick to High Knee
  • Carioca
  • Glute Pull
  • In Skip, Out Skip
  • Knee Pull
  • Lunge and Reach
  • Lunge and Twist
  • March and Reach
  • Power Skip
  • Shuffle Turn Shuffle
  • Skip
  • Sumo Lunge


One last important aspect of physical therapy that can make you a stronger runner is proper stretching after exercise. Our physical therapists will communicate via our telehealth services NYC and show you some stretches that will improve your running form and prevent injury. These stretches should be done when your muscles are already warmed up which is why it’s best to do the following after running:

  • Backward bend
  • Cat Back
  • Hamstring Wall
  • Hip Flexors
  • Knee Spiral
  • Lower Trunk Rotation
  • Press Upper Body
  • Reach
  • Rise Up
  • Spinal Stretch Rising Sun


Overall, it is best to ask a physical therapist what to do to prepare for, be aware of, and finish up running. These tips are just some of the things that your PT will want to discuss with you about how to keep you in your best shape and make you a stronger runner. Book an appointment with us today!

Virtual PT NYC

Our physical therapists will communicate via our telehealth services NYC and show you many important stretches.