Can You Do Pelvic Floor Therapy While Pregnant?

Virtual PT NYC

For many pregnant women, their main concern is what is the best way to prepare for their unborn baby. Many women wonder what foods they should eat and what exercises they should perform to allow for the best birth experience. One way women can prepare for the birth of their child is through physical therapy. There are many great exercises such as pelvic food therapy that a pregnant woman can benefit from. As a result of COVID-19, pregnant women should look into Telehealth Physical Therapy Staten Island to make sure they remain safe and healthy. Many physical therapy offices, such as Virtual PT NYC, are offering this service to all their patients.


What is the Pelvic Floor? 

Before we jump into pelvic floor therapy, we should go over what the pelvic floor actually is. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the pelvic organs. For a female that is the bladder, bowel, and uterus. The muscles in the pelvic floor help control the bladder and bowel; while supporting the lower back as well. 

What is Pelvic Floor Therapy? 

Pelvic floor therapy is a fairly new way therapy technique that came from Canada about 15 years ago and can be completed through Telehealth Physical Therapy Staten Island. For pregnant women, carrying around a baby for nine months often stretches out the muscles in the pelvic floor, leading to pelvic floor dysfunction. Pelvic floor therapy includes treatment for any dysfunctions of the pelvic floor. For example:

  • Frequent trips to the bathroom
  • Having a difficult time emptying bladder or bowel
  • Leaking urine when exercising
  • Pain in the pelvic area

Can You Do Pelvic Floor Therapy While Pregnant?

As you can see, there are many benefits of pelvic floor therapy after there have been many changes to a woman’s pelvic floor after birth. That being said, many women want to know if this type of therapy can be done prior to the birth of their child. The answer is yes, pelvic floor therapy is actually a great way for women to prepare for childbirth. It is recommended that women take part in these exercises between the second and third trimester; to ensure the muscles are elastic enough for birth. Pelvic floor exercises often show results in one to three sections and is a great idea for pregnant women who plan to have a vaginal birth or through C-section. 

Telehealth Physical Therapy Staten Island

As shown above, pelvic floor therapy offers many benefits to women before, during, and after pregnancy. If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant in the near future, it is recommended that you look into this type of service. Here at Virtual PT NYC, we specialize in this type of therapy for any patient who needs it (not always pregnant women). Offering this therapy session virtually will allow you to receive all the benefits of therapy if you were to come to the office, but in the comfort of your own home as well. Call us today to find out more, or make an appointment with us!

Virtual PT NYC

Pregnant women should look into Telehealth Physical Therapy Staten Island to make sure they remain safe and healthy.