Elbow Tendonitis Treatment In NYC

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Our therapists provide safe and positive online physical therapy services to reduce pain, and improve quality of life. There is nothing more important than your health!

Elbow Pain

Have you recently begun to experience pain when moving your elbow? Has this pain also started to radiate towards your forearm and wrist? If this is the case, you may be dealing with what is known as elbow tendonitis. Fortunately, here at Virtual PT NYC, our team is here to help. We offer elbow tendonitis treatment in NYC that can help patients restore standard functionality in their elbows. For more information on this condition and what can be done for treatment, please continue reading.

start the road to recovery

What Is Elbow Tendonitis?

Elbow tendonitis, sometimes referred to as tennis elbow, is a condition where your elbow tendons become overloaded and inflamed. Tendons are strong, fibrous tissues that connect muscles to bones. They play a crucial role in upholding the integrity of joints, such as the elbow. Repetitive motion and overuse can lead to the aforementioned inflammation, which leads to elbow tendonitis.

What Are The Symptoms?

There are times when we push our bodies past their limits and experience minor discomfort as a result. Not all elbow pain requires elbow tendonitis treatment in NYC. However, recognizing when elbow tendonitis is taking place will help you stop the condition from worsening over time. If you find yourself dealing with the following symptoms near the outside of the elbow, this condition is likely to blame:

• Pain.
• Tenderness.
• Swelling.
• Difficult lifting objects.
• Inability to grip with the hand of the affected arm.
• Problems raising your hand and straightening your wrist.

Elbow Tendonitis Treatment In NYC

If you believe you are suffering from elbow tendonitis, you shouldn’t wait to contact our team at Virtual PT NYC. Through the use of our telemedicine sessions, you can receive treatment without needing to leave the comfort of your own home. Physical therapy is one of the best treatment methods for elbow tendonitis, as it is non-invasive and allows you to play an active role in your recovery. Our physical therapists will teach you to perform various stretches and exercises that build up strength and the elbow while simultaneously repairing the damaged tendon, so elbow tendonitis does not become a recurring issue for you.

Benefits Of Virtual Physical Therapy  

When dealing with elbow tendonitis, there are undoubtedly several options for treatment you can go with. However, choosing virtual sessions of physical therapy with our team will likely offer the most benefits. And when searching for elbow tendonitis treatment in NYC, the more benefits you reap, the better off you will be. In addition to it being non-invasive, other benefits that come from virtual physical therapy include:

• Eliminating the risk of exposure to potential contagions.
• Not needing to travel when you are currently in pain.
• Reducing inflammation of the elbow.
• Improving the strength of the damaged tendons and other supportive tissues.
• Increasing flexibility and range of motion.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Patients dealing with elbow tendonitis can quickly find their condition worsening if they fail to seek treatment right away. To avoid this from happening, we highly recommend scheduling an appointment with our team at Virtual PT NYC when you notice the onset of symptoms. By allowing us to administer elbow tendonitis treatment in NYC, you will have your elbow returned to full strength efficiently. For more information on how we can help, contact us today!

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