Arthritis Physical Therapy In NYC

Welcome to the Virtual PT NYC Event page. Our mission at VirtualPT NYC is to help as many people as possible live the best life they possibly can. With this in mind, we are hosting a free monthly event with one of our PT’s to discuss their specialties.

Welcome to Virtual PT NYC! Connecting New Yorkers through virtual health.

Our therapists provide safe and positive online physical therapy services to reduce pain, and improve quality of life. There is nothing more important than your health!

What is arthritis?

When your joints are constantly inflamed and filled with pain, it will undoubtedly begin to drag down your quality of life. For those living with arthritis, this scenario is likely all too familiar. Fortunately, here at Virtual PT NYC, we have options that can help. Through the use of arthritis physical therapy in NYC, patients can find relief from their persistent joint issues. For those looking for more information about this condition and how our team will help, please continue reading.

Arthritis is a condition that involves the swelling, inflammation, and tenderness of multiple joints. There are many different types of arthritis a person can suffer from, making it essential to seek care when you begin to notice these issues in the joints. Any joint is subject to dealing with this issue. However, arthritis physical therapy in NYC will help improve the condition of almost all of them. Some of the most common types of arthritis our team can help with include:

• Gout.
• Osteoarthritis.
• Rheumatoid arthritis.
• Psoriatic arthritis.
• Reactive arthritis.

start the road to recovery

Symptoms to recognize

Depending on the type of arthritis you are dealing with, it can affect your body in many ways. However, in most cases, the symptoms of each will typically be more or less the same. This fact is suitable for patients, as it means arthritis physical therapy in NYC can be useful for numerous types of this condition. Patients who are suffering from the below symptoms can find relief when working with our team:

• Pain.
• Stiffness.
• Swelling.
• Redness.
• Decreased range of motion.  

Risk factors to be aware of

As previously stated, the exact cause of the most common symptoms will vary based upon the type of arthritis you are dealing with. However, it is essential to remember that certain risk factors will increase the likelihood of dealing with these conditions. By being aware of what they are, you may avoid the need for arthritis physical therapy in NYC. According to our team, the most prominent risk factors include:

• Family history of arthritis.
• Being of increased age.
• Suffering from a previous joint injury.
• Obesity.

How does arthritis physical therapy in NYC work?

If you've yet to receive physical therapy treatments for arthritis in the past, you may be wondering exactly how this can help improve your condition. Our team would like to take the time to share this with you to feel confident scheduling an appointment with us. Physical therapy involves the use of stretches and strengthening exercises to promote healing from within an affected area. Our team will teach you to perform these therapeutic activities to increase the strength in the affected tissues of the problematic joints, leading to regain functionality without issue.    

Expected Results

Before officially committing to sessions of arthritis physical therapy in NYC, we understand that you probably want an idea of the results you can expect to take place as a result. Fortunately, after providing this service for many different patients, we have a strong body of work to pull from. Patients who decide to team with us for care can expect the below results to occur soon after your initial sessions:

• Reduced swelling, tenderness, and pain in the joints.
• Increased strength in the problematic tissues of the joint.
• Improved flexibility and range of motion.
• Reduction in the severity of arthritis flare-ups.

Contact us today

At Virtual PT NYC, we understand how difficult arthritis can make our patients' lives. That is why we are committed to providing the best arthritis physical therapy in NYC available. By working with us, you will be able to find the relief you desperately need. To schedule your first appointment, be sure to contact us today.

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+1 646-VPT-NY13

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